Implementation of digital alphabet books and activities in Cyprus

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Within the framework of the AlphaEU project , five digital alphabet books were developed in each of the six partner languages, along with accompanying activities.These books and activities were implemented in each of the project partner countries with teachers and parents of children aged 2-6; the results of the implementation were extremely positive and encouraging.


Implementation of Digital Alphabet Books and Activities

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The advancement of mobile devices, smart phones, and tablets has led to an inevitable push to integrate mobile learning across education. In the early childhood sector, the use of mobile learning has been driven by the affordances of tablets and ubiquitous internet access. Within the framework of the AlphaEU project, five digital alphabet books were developed in English, Greek, Romanian, German, Portuguese, and Italian, along with accompanying activities. These books and activities were implemented in each of the project partner countries with teachers and parents of children aged 2-6; the results of the implementation were extremely positive and encouraging.


Training sessions in Ireland by LMETB

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On March 2014, the staff in LMETB (Louth and Meath Education and Training Board) held a very interesting training session in their offices in Navan. The topic of the training was Using Science Fiction in the classroom. It was very well received and people were interested in implementing the genre in a number of different subject areas and with a number of different age groups.


Teacher training workshops

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In the framework of the SciFiEd project, teacher training workshops are being completed during the month of March in all the partner countries. In Cyprus, these workshops were held on the 13th, 14th, and 18th of March at the University of Nicosia.


Paper publication in INTED2014

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University of Piteşti (UPIT) from Romania, partner in the consortium of the SciFiEd project, has participated in INTED Conference, 11-12 March 2014, in Valencia, with the paper titled “INCORPORATING SCIENCE FICTION LITERATURE IN TEACHING SCIENCES”.INTED 2014 (International Technology, Education and Development Conference) has welcomed educational experts from all corners of the world under a common aim: to generate thought-provoking ideas for innovative education and to promote international partnerships.

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