Εκπαιδευτικό σεμινάριο κατάρτισης ‘’Εκμάθηση των Φυσικών Επιστημών με τη χρήση τεχνολογίας’’

Published in News

Η συμβουλευτική εταιρεία INNOVADE L.I. LTD, στο πλαίσιο του Ευρωπαϊκού έργου "SciFUN" το οποίο έχει ως στόχο να αντιμετωπίσει την πρόκληση της εμπλοκής των μαθητών στις Φυσικές Επιστήμες μέσω μιας καινοτόμου προσέγγισης στη διδασκαλία και τη μάθηση ...


e-Learning Analytics Tool

Published in Projects

The main outcome of the project was to develop prototype software based on data mining and web technologies for the analysis of educational data from Learning Management Systems (LMS). This e-Learning Analytics Tool provides a complete group of operations and activities that help identify and assess students’ behaviour, based on the data retrieved from the LMS.


Development of Model for Teaching and Learning Online

Published in Projects

The main objectives of this program were to research, review and evaluate the needs of educators regarding educational technology issues and models of online education, as well as to design and develop a pilot program. The main deliverable of the project was to develop a model and course for preparing teachers and trainers to design and deliver online courses.


Preparing Teachers to Teach with ICT

Published in Projects

The purpose of this project was to transfer innovation from the world leading institution in learning design (Open University UK) and to better prepare teachers and trainers in integrating ICT in teaching and training in innovative ways.

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