
Are we Reading?

The research goal of this project was to examine the reading habits of primary school children and develop programs to support literacy and reading at an early age.

Information Guide on Cyprus for migrants

The Cyprus Information Guide was developed to provides general information on Cyprus and is addressed to new migrants coming in the country. It is envisioned to have positive impact on the integration process of the migrants and help them learn basic aspects of local culture and history. The Guide will help migrants to understand their rights and responsibilities and identify…

Learning Needs Assessment of Public Service Staff

This research project focused on conducting a learning needs assessment in the areas of leadership, strategy, and management. The target group were all managers in all government departments and Ministries. Focus groups, interviews, and questionnaires, were distributed to more than 1000 staff. Data analysis led to the development of a detailed proposal on training and development for Public Service managers…

Science Fiction in Education

The SciFiEd project focuses on providing teachers with tools, training, and guidance that will assist them in enhancing their teaching, making science more attractive to students, connecting it with real-life issues such as the environment, and providing girls and other marginalised groups access to science. The central project idea is to achieve this by incorporating Science Fiction in science teaching.

Online Game for Civic Engagement of EU Young Adults (ENGAME)

CARDET has been recently awarded a new project, under the ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnerships programme of the European Commission, titled “Online Game for Civic Engagement of EU young adults” (ENGAME). The project will be implemented in collaboration with the Anatolia College of Thessaloniki and with partners from Italy, Spain, Bulgaria, Spain, and Austria.
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