EMPOWER - Social Enterprises' Sustainability Tools

Published in Projects

The EMPOWER project aims at fostering sustainability and scalability of new and existing social enterprises and supporting young entrepreneurs through the development of new learning partnerships between the world of work and the world of youth provision. A big focus of the training material will be on the needs and opportunities for young people and young entrepreneurs to tackle challenges and identify problems to take advantage of opportunities in emerging market communities. The project will offer the tools and training needed for young entrepreneurs to develop strategies for their social enterprises using modern and empirically validated tools and methods to ensure that the services/products meet the needs of local and regional markets. A simulation game will also be developed to build the capacity of young entrepreneurs in integrating the appropriate tools into their processes through real-life scenarios. Thus, young people will be able to build knowledge and a critical understanding of social entrepreneurship. 

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CIRCULO - Using agile learning platforms to infuse circular economy knowledge with entrepreneurial spirit.

Published in Projects

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on millions of people in the EU. For the millions who have lost their jobs, acquiring a new set of skills and moving to new jobs in different sections of the economy is perhaps their best chance in rebuilding a sustainable and fulfilling career. CIRCULO aims to support vocation education and training providers in providing high-quality online education by presenting a bespoke range of resources that develop circular knowledge infused with entrepreneurial spirit.

In addition, the project aims to:

  • provide VET learners, young people and workers with an online training map for building and understanding the principles for a circular economy.
  • develop a toolkit with the aim to build entrepreneurial spirit based on the Ideas & Opportunities section of the EntreComp framework
  • provide a broader understanding of VET practices and improve the competencies in the teaching of VET professionals through the planned LTTAs and the online eNetwork.


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Skill Pics - Newsletter 3

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Skill-pics is a project funded by the Erasmus + programme. It promotes the development of essential transversal skills to thrive in the 21st century world and brings together organisations from Cyprus, Austria, Ireland, Czech Republic, Spain, Croatia, Portugal and Germany. Check out the third newsletter and find out what we have been up to lately.

Online Teaching Advancement - Science through Art

Published in Projects

Thousands of pupils and teachers have been forced to stay at home and adapt to online teaching due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and the whole education system has had many difficulties to manage this change. Beyond instructional goals, teachers were also required to maintain the social integration of pupils, while significant disruption to the provision of classes in the specialized classrooms, excursions etc happened. 


Skill Pics - Newsletter 1

Published in News

The first newsletter of the Skill Pics project is now available online. The project aims to contribute to the continuous professional development of VET teachers, trainers, and mentors in education and business.

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