
CIRCULO - 1st Newsletter

Our project CIRCULO has begun its important work on developing and introducing a hybrid learning approach that builds the entrepreneurial, digital and green skills of VET educators and learners. Find out all about it and its next steps in the project's first newsletter.


Digitalization in the VET sector

Digital transformation is a key priority across all major EU directives and policies. The European Commission has prioritized digital skills development and recognized education and training stakeholders as key players in making innovations mainstream to meet the education sector’s needs (EC, 2018).


8 PER CENT: 4th Newsletter

The 8% project is about to reach its end. The last partner meeting and Final Conference were held in a hybrid format in France in July. The last steps were discussed and the 8% partnership is in the process of finalising everything. Check the fourth newsletter and read more about it.


8 PER CENT: 3rd Newsletter

The partner meetings continue and all the next steps are being discussed and agreed among all partners. Check the third newsletter to find out more about the next steps of the 8% project.


InclusiveHE - 1st Press Release

Working towards an inclusive Higher Education sector

Higher education (HE) can undoubtedly play an important and crucial role in tackling Europe’s social challenges. Ensuring that HE is inclusive and that institutions are connected to their communities, is a good first step in enhancing the social dimension of the sector.


Skill Pics - Newsletter 3

Skill-pics is a project funded by the Erasmus + programme. It promotes the development of essential transversal skills to thrive in the 21st century world and brings together organisations from Cyprus, Austria, Ireland, Czech Republic, Spain, Croatia, Portugal and Germany. Check out the third newsletter and find out what we have been up to lately.

InclusiveHE Toolkit

The consortium of the InclusiveHE – Designing and supporting inclusive practices in Higher Education project gladly announces the publication of the Inclusive Higher Education Toolkit!

iWell - Newsletter 1

iWell project focuses on enhancing Digital and Social Well-being in schools. It aims to develop the necessary competences of primary school teachers and eventually of primary school students with regards to the safe and healthy use of any digital media, to create healthy and active citizens of the future. Check out the project's newsletter to find out more about the objectives, the methodology used and the partnership involved!
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