InTraRed: Fostering the innovation management within SMEs by specialised VET provision to ensure a swift recovery to the COVID-19 situation
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During the COVID-19 global pandemic, many companies have seen themselves forced to rethink their business, making innovation a common part of their relationship with workers, external collaborators and even clients. The ability to create new links with these groups and to offer new solutions is key to the economic reactivation and even survival of many SMEs and sole traders.
At the same time, the COVID-19 crisis has greatly accelerated the need for modernisation and digital transformation of vocational education and training systems across Europe. During this critical period of social distancing due to the pandemic, both companies and VET professionals have suddenly shifted to online and distance learning to address the knowledge, training and communication challenges presented; demonstrating the fundamental role of e-learning as an excellent source of knowledge exchange and practice.
In response to these challenges, InTraRed Project is developing high-quality tailored training to both support business owners and functional team leaders in the SME sector to build the required skills and competences in innovation management and properly equip VET professionals to deliver a new innovation management curriculum and coaching their SME client group.
As a preliminary step of the development process of its forthcoming high-impact learning materials, the consortium has published an Insight Report to summarise the key findings of the Training Needs Analysis performed, taking into the account as a key innovation accelerator, the multi-faceted challenges that Covid-19 has brought about.
The report, available on the Project site, presents the views of business owners and functional team leaders in the SME sector from Greece, Cyprus, Malta, Ireland, Slovenia and Spain on innovation factors and key elements associated with successful innovation management in the form of a relevant list of recommendations focused on several areas where SMEs could concentrate and develop innovative structures in realistic terms in light of the new scenarios.
All training materials and resources created will be available online and free to use through a mobile-friendly learning platform built to maximise interaction and engagement providing instant access. Follow our progress over the coming months at
If you are interested in finding out more about the project or would like to get involved in the project’s stakeholder groups, please contact [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.].
The project is funded by the European Commission, in the framework of Erasmus+ programme and runs for 24 months from October 2019 to September 2021.
Additional Info
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