The Updated Cyprus Guide is now online
- Published in News
The Cyprus Guide is composed of thematic units providing information covering all aspects of daily life in Cyprus in order to support the integration of TCNs and their participation in the economic, social and cultural life of the island. The Guide is available in different languages covering the main mother tongues of TCNs in Cyprus.
The updated version of the Guide is now available online and it can be accessed here.
The Guide is also available in other languages such as Russian, Sri Lankans (Sinhala and Tamil), Arabic and Filipino. The updated version of these languages is expected to be uploaded online within the following weeks.
This program is managed by the SME INNOVADE and the International Research Centre CARDET. The action “Upgrade of the Cyprus Information Guide” (Action A1 – CY/2016/AMIF/SO2.NO1.1.1) is co-funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and the Republic of Cyprus.
For more information you can visit the official website of the Cyprus Information Guide and our Facebook page.
Additional Info
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