GreenYOU Partners Gather in Dublin for 4th Transnational Project Meeting

On September 17-18, 2024, GreenYOU Project partners gathered in Dublin, Ireland, for the 4th Transnational Project Meeting. This two-day event provided an opportunity for the consortium to reconnect in person, review the project’s progress, and plan the upcoming phase of activities.

The meeting highlighted significant developments, including the ongoing creation of innovative educational tools such as Escape Rooms and animated videos. These resources are designed to enhance critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, and collaboration among youth, while also raising climate awareness and promoting essential green skills.

A major focus was the advancement of the Augmented Reality (AR) Technology Green Curriculum. This curriculum aims to empower youth workers and organizations by equipping them with AR tools to foster green skills. During the meeting, partners defined the key activities and timelines necessary to support the curriculum’s development and implementation.

The GreenYOU Project is an important initiative that equips young people and youth organizations with the innovative tools needed to address pressing environmental challenges.

Learn more about the project here.

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